Never under Estimate the Power of Termites or White Ants

Pest Control Services

I & G Combridge  Est.1993

0408 512 506

We began 24 years ago. Family owned and run business.



Moe Morwell Traralgon Sale Churchill

03 51661822

Warragul Trafalgar Drouin 03 56222606

Fax 0351661819   E:

CONTact        INSPECTIONS           Termites   

Borers       GeneralPest        Insurance

From Hazelwood Nth we operate our own company

Ultrason P/L’ trading as:

‘Pest Control Services’  or  ‘Combridge Pest Control’

PO Box 20 Churchill 3842   

305 Firmins Ln Hazelwood Nth 3840

If You Love Your Home,    We’ll Help You Look After It!